#CharlieChaplin - Caught in A Cabaret (1914) | Restored Comedy Movie



Caught in a Cabaret (1914) #CaughtInACabaret

Faking with Society (1914) #FakingWithSociety

Jazz Waiter (1914) #JazzWaiter

The Waiter (1914) #TheWaiter

Czech Republic : Chaplin sklepníkem (1914) #ChaplinSklepnikem

Denmark : Chaplin som den falske Baron (1914) #ChaplinSomDenFalskeBaron

Finland : Kaksoiselämää (1914) #Kaksoiselamaa

France : Charlot garçon de café (1914) #CharlotGarconDeCafe

Italy : Charlot bugiardo (1914) #CharlotBugiardo

Italy : Charlot garzone di caffè (1914) #CharlotGarzoneDiCaffe

Japan : チャップリンの総理大臣 (1914)

Poland : Charlie kelnerem (1914) #CharlieKelnerem

Romania : Charlot chelner (1914) #CharlotChelner

Russia : Застигнутый в кабаре (1914) 

Serbia : Zatečen u kabareu (1914) #ZatecenUKabareu

Spain : Charlot en el cabaret (1914) #CharlogEnElCabaret

Spain : Charlot, camarero (1914) #CharlotCamarero

Sweden : Chaplin som lycksökare (1914) #ChaplinSomLycksokare

Turkey : Şarlo Garson (1914) #SarloGarson

United States : Caught in a Cabaret (1914) 

United States : Charlie the Waiter (1914) #CharlieTheWaiter

United States : Prime Minister Charlie (1914) #PrimeMinisterCharlie

Vietnam : Bị Lộ Ở Nhà Hàng (1914) 

Director : Mabel Normand

Writers : Charles Chaplin, Mabel Normand


Charles Chaplin

Mabel Normand

Dan Albert

Phyllis Allen

Glen Cavender

Nick Cogley

Chester Conklin

Alice Davenport

Minta Durfee

Ted Edwards

Billy Gilbert

Gordon Griffith

William Hauber

Alice Howell

Bert Hunn

Edgar Kennedy

Grover Ligon

Wallace MacDonald

Genres : Short, Comedy

Certificate : TV-G

Release date : April 27, 1914 (United States)

Country of origin : United States

Languages : None, English

Production company : Keystone Film Company

Runtime : 30 minutes

Color : Black and White

Sound mix : Silent

Aspect ratio : 1.33 : 1

#ActorSharesFirstNameWithCharacter #CharlesChaplin

#MabelNormand #DanAlbert #PhyllisAllen #GlenCavender #NickCogley

#ChesterConklin #AliceDavenport #MintaDurfee #TedEdwards

#BillyGilbert #GordonGriffith #WilliamHauber #AliceHowell #BertHunn

#EdgarKennedy #GroverLigon #WallaceMacDonald 

Public Domain Movies, Old Movies, Public Domain Movies

Tools Used :  DeOldify, Google Colab, EDVR, ESRGAN, Adobe Premiere Elements

Video Source : archive.org/details/CaughtInACabaret1914_188

Credits : Muhiuddin

License Detail : PUBLIC DOMAIN MARK / “No Known Copyright”

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